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We always try and have helpful information on hand, so please have a read and if you would like something posted here, let us know.

How Can Visceral Manipulation help you?   
Read the full article HERE

May 2023

​Facebook Discussion Group

December 2022

How our heart beats

The real-time MRI movie shows the natural movements of the chest: Breathing and heartbeat are clearly visible. In contrast to clinical practice with conventional magnetic resonance imaging, the patient does not have to hold his breath thanks to the fast image rate, nor does the recording have to be controlled by the ECG signal.



(With permission  Dr Jens Frahm, Biomedical NMR, Max Planck Institute, Gottingen)

Watch movie HERE

September 2022

Newly published visceral manipulation case study
- written by matias chahab.  
Read full article HERE


There has been a study group Facebook page set up by one of our participants Anj Young, for those in the Auckland Area - please feel free to join this studygroup following the link here 

July 2020 - Interesting Article about Visceral Manipulation HERE 

IAHP Medallion Membership information​

IAHP One Year Membership

To join a IAHP & get discounts on courses, please click on the link below and fill in the required information

IAHP Five Year Membership

To join a IAHP & get discounts on courses, please click on the link below and fill in the required information

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